Tag Archives: design

Virtual Clerks & Vids: Your Business Website of the Future

12 June
You’ve just spent a lot of time and money creating your Web site. You like how it looks, the functionality and the content. But will customers like it? If your business Web site is not connecting you with potential customers, then it’s not serving your business well. Make sure your site includes these five key elements to start creating a following of loyal customers. 1. A Video Is Worth a Lot of Words Greet your viewers with a short video...

Look, Feel and Function: Update Your E-commerce Website

26 February
On the internet, no idea is original. It’s getting cheaper and easier to conduct business online, so virtual competition has never been higher. For online businesses, an attractive, functional, secure e-commerce platform can mean the difference between profitability and obscurity. With so many options online, consumers are less patient and less likely to hang around outdated sites. Looking for the next way to grow your business? Improve your e-commerce platform. According to research firm eMarketer, e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion...