Let's Get Started!

To get a quick quote use our Revolution180 Website Estimator | If you are interested in learning more about Revolution180.com services or would like a preliminary estimate on your new website, please complete the questions in our estimator. Please note this is a Website Cost Estimate, you will be able to get a more accurate estimate after talking with a web design agent or developer, but for those in the initial planning stage this is a great way to know an estimated cost.

Tip: The more pages the more the cost, the more days allowed to work on your project the cheaper the cost. We suggest selecting 15 days (or up to 2 - 4 weeks depending on features added) and select 15 pages (for unlimited pages). If you are not sure, don't worry! You will be assigned a rep that will assist you on whats best for your project, discussing the process and providing options all the way.

How many pages is your site?
When do you need your site? In Days:
Content Management System (CMS)

All our sites come with a Content Management System (CMS). CMS is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease. A robust WCMS provides the foundation for collaboration, offering users the ability to manage documents and output for multiple author editing and participation. You will love your CMS section, it can be accessed via most mobile devices and computer systems. Update your site on the fly from your phone or tablet!

TIP: Select Wordpress for your CMS option, there is no additional cost with this selection. Very easy to use with several easy to use add ons.

Site Options

Design Section

Some individuals already have template designs purchased (Please note: the template purchased will have to be accecpted/approved by our developers and match the cms selected above).

If you do not have a site design selected, we will asign an art director to provide you 3 website template to choose from. You will receive two rounds of review/requests, that is if the initial set isnt to your liking, we will provide you with another set of designs to choose from. view a few template samples here

What are your primary colors?

List any sites online that you like, we will seek to develop a similar design for you

Any Special Instructions?
Extra Section

These are some extra options that may be very important for your site.

Additional Features

Image Gallery

An image gallery is normally used to display images of products or general items.


Slideshow is an option for picture rotations or fades between images. These are currently very popular across the web.

Lightbox Viewer

If you have a picture gallery and you'd like to view each picture in a pop-up window – then the light-box add-on will be a perfect solution for you. If you choose this option, we will add JavaScript that makes the page fade out when the light-box is opened, showing a particular picture.


Share-This control allows the user to share through social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin etc) on each page or post on your site. Great for creating additional traffic to your website.


If you have a list of rotating items (for example: images or content blocks), we can add JavaScript that will allow scrolling through these items by clicking on the page links (1,2,3) or by clicking on the next/previous buttons. The list of items can rotate automatically as well.


Accordion is a great JavaScript feature that allows the revealing of the sub-list of a particular list item with a smooth sliding effect. When one of the sub-lists is revealed – the rest of the items are closed at once.

Custom Forms

Choose this option if you'd like to customize the look of your check-boxes, radio buttons, or select drop down menus according to your designs.

Fly Out - Related Content

Indicate if a multi tier fly-out (related content) should be added. Please note that the price for this option includes standard CSS multi-level page integration. If you'd like to add any special effects to this option – please indicate this in the comments box when posting your project and we will send you a quote for implementing extra page or menu functionality.

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